Christian Metal Band Heal the Hurt Releases New Single ‘Ruin’

Lauren Daigle To Release Album of Reimagined Songs August 16

Matthew Jones | ‘Aware’ (acoustic)

Skye Reedy | ‘Crown Him’ (acoustic)

Why Is Regret a Powerful Teacher?

Unmanaged regret can make us feel like we are truly wading through a swamp with no end in sight.
How Thoughtful Spending Can Transform Your Relationship

Where your treasure is, there your heart is also. This biblical principle means prioritizing her needs without going into debt or overspending.
Why Must Christians Address the Issue of Pornography?

Many Christians struggle with this sin, which has severe consequences on the mind.
What Are We Searching for on Social Media?

At some point, if we’re going to live with wisdom, we need to realize that no amount of scrolling or consuming more information is going to bring fulfillment.
Nigerian Church Watches, Prays as Ocean Rises

Ayetoro was founded to be a city on a hill. Now it’s facing a watery apocalypse. Thompson Akingboye is old enough to remember a time when the ocean was not a threat to his home in the
What Wrestling Taught an Olympic Gold Medalist About God

As he prepares for the Paris Olympics, wrestler Kyle Snyder talks about how faith helped him loosen up and love his teammates. Kyle Snyder, the youngest US wrestler to ever win Olympic gold in 2016, is competing